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Sulawesi Black Monkey

Primate species are endemic Sulawesi black macaques ( Macaca nigra and Macaca nigrescen ) or better known by the name of baboon society . Baboon is found in many areas TNBNW . Distribution area in a wooded area or the area surrounding the plantation society Nani Wartabone Park .

Sulawesi black macaques included in the family Cercoophitacidae . Penampakanyan very easily recognizable because of jet black feathers . Characteristic of kerahitam Sulawesi is relatively short tail , hardly noticeable because on average only reaches ± 2cm . adults have crested black macaques in the mating season buttocks and change color to pink . Fisih size weight average adult macaques ± 7-9 kg . newborn monkey shows up no feathers yet , with still a reddish color . Baboon fur child begins to grow at the age of 1-2 weeks and whitish . Age 3-4 months black colored bristles start , but the face is still white colored . Five months of age or older overall and black fur had already become active .
Baboon eating figs ( bringin or ficus ) , cane fruit , banana fruit and forest dao . Near residential eating coconuts , papaya , corn and other fruits . These black monkeys live in groups , there is a small group and there is a large group . Activities every day starting at 05:30 s / d 17:30 , in daylight resting at 11.00 s / d 14.00.